
Boss absolutely did not believe I would actually quit

My job was originally a temporary position meant to end in November, but I agreed to stay on longer since I didn't have anything else lined up at the time. I was very clear that was looking for work, and even told bossman what jobs I was applying for. Up until last week, I was literally the only employee. We now have one other, but ideally would have a crew of 3-4 for the summer. A month or so ago, I had two great interviews for a job, and told my boss this. All he said was, “thank you for telling me.” He still hadn't hired anyone else at this point and was clearly banking on me being there over the summer. Well, finally I got the job (huge pay raise, much easier workload, something actually in my field), handwrote a really kind two-weeks notice, since I mostly did like…

My job was originally a temporary position meant to end in November, but I agreed to stay on longer since I didn't have anything else lined up at the time. I was very clear that was looking for work, and even told bossman what jobs I was applying for. Up until last week, I was literally the only employee. We now have one other, but ideally would have a crew of 3-4 for the summer.

A month or so ago, I had two great interviews for a job, and told my boss this. All he said was, “thank you for telling me.” He still hadn't hired anyone else at this point and was clearly banking on me being there over the summer.

Well, finally I got the job (huge pay raise, much easier workload, something actually in my field), handwrote a really kind two-weeks notice, since I mostly did like this job. I gave it to my boss first thing yesterday, and the guy wouldn't even look at me. He was either incredibly angry or sad and seemed to be choking back tears. He barely spoke. He proceeded to just walk back to his house, and I didn't see him again for the rest of the day. Still haven't heard anything from him. No confirmation, no thanks for putting in a year of hard physical labor for his small business.

They literally had the best year they've ever had with me (“record-breaking profits”, if you will) and, even though he's known I was planning to leave for months, he is upset with me. It's not my fault he hasn't hired enough people.

Btw, new coworker totally sided with boss. “It's his livelihood, he has a right to be upset.” Also by the way, new coworker is a total sociopath and am super glad to be yeeting. I said yesterday that landlords and employers weren't real people (kinda /s but also) and they flipped out at me. Also talked about field hockey for what felt like four hours.

Tl;Dr it seems like they think we can't survive without us, and don't believe us when we say we're going to leave. It's not our fault if you're short-staffed.

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