
boss asking about my meds and depression

my boss has been trying to get out of my what medications i'm on and why i'm so sad all the time. he asked me about my cigarette burns on my arms, got it out of me that i used to be a heroin addict, shit like that. recently, everything has been fine but i just stopped drinking and am taking low amounts of xanax to cope. thing is, i wrote DNR over my cigarette burns the same day customers started asking the owners if i'm ok. can the owners disclose that i'm on medication and a self harmer? they sent me home because they thought i was a little out of it, but i have been their drunk off my ass, coked out, on acid and benzod to the max and they've never said anything because i just stick to myself and do my thing. (i don't condone this…

my boss has been trying to get out of my what medications i'm on and why i'm so sad all the time. he asked me about my cigarette burns on my arms, got it out of me that i used to be a heroin addict, shit like that. recently, everything has been fine but i just stopped drinking and am taking low amounts of xanax to cope. thing is, i wrote DNR over my cigarette burns the same day customers started asking the owners if i'm ok. can the owners disclose that i'm on medication and a self harmer? they sent me home because they thought i was a little out of it, but i have been their drunk off my ass, coked out, on acid and benzod to the max and they've never said anything because i just stick to myself and do my thing. (i don't condone this behavior and it was never a lot, just a buzz, but my point is why all of a sudden now?)

i guess i started to look high, probably cause the bars have rc benzos in them and i took a solid week off everything but pot. i know that if i told them i was taking illicit bars, i'd get in trouble so gonna keep my trap shut. but i am going to bring in all my meds so they see how this shit can actually effect someone, plus he cant fire me due to my disability, right? he wants me to be on less meds that i desperately need… i'm a schizo junkie with a drinking problem.

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