
Boss asking me about work when I’m on sick leave with med certificate

Hello lovely people Long story short I have a terrible flu at the moment which I contribute to being stressed and overworked by my boss. I am her only staff member. I have posted about her before on reddit. I am a working mum with a nearly 3 year old son. Good news is boss is leaving in two weeks. Submitted a medicate certificate to her this week to cover me for this week and the next. The day I submitted it she messaged me and said I hope your condition isn’t serious but asked me ‘it would be much appreciated if you could submit your timesheet and leave application’ for the current sick period. I said no I only have my work phone. Yes she is leaving but it’s appropriate for the next boss to approve this for me. One hour later she messaged me again following up on…

Hello lovely people

Long story short I have a terrible flu at the moment which I contribute to being stressed and overworked by my boss. I am her only staff member. I have posted about her before on reddit. I am a working mum with a nearly 3 year old son.

Good news is boss is leaving in two weeks.

Submitted a medicate certificate to her this week to cover me for this week and the next. The day I submitted it she messaged me and said I hope your condition isn’t serious but asked me ‘it would be much appreciated if you could submit your timesheet and leave application’ for the current sick period. I said no I only have my work phone.

Yes she is leaving but it’s appropriate for the next boss to approve this for me.

One hour later she messaged me again following up on work tasks. I am a lawyer and have clients however I suggested to her multiple times to implement systems to track the teams work incase one of us is sick. She also heavily nitpicks my work to the point she rewrites everything and tells me ‘my sentences are too long’. It takes ages for any advice to go out and it’s impossible to do work to her ridiculous standards.

I also raised being overworked with her but she refused to hire anybody else even though she can.

It’s clear she doesn’t respect my boundaries this has been an ongoing issues since I started work with her (she also asked me to work on my formally agreed day off with my son). Her style of management is also aggressive. Should I took another week off work and start afresh? The thought of going back to work for her for one week gives me anxiety and I feel sick thinking about it.


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