
Boss being a dick

My boss is being a sick about allowing to go do to my doctor’s appointments. There has been a lot of Pushback, passive aggressive comments and even gossiping about me to other employees sometimes knowingly that I could hear in another room. It’s rude uncalled for and makes me want to rage quit. When he was first annoyed with having two doctors appointment after one week. The next week I needed to see the doctor for an ear infection. To his merit there have been a lot of doctors appointments I have explained why I have needed them I have chronic pain from repetitive moments I have at work some of these doctors appointments are to address the wear and tear I’m getting from work. I also explained it’s the end of the year and a lot of appointments like dental and follow up happen with my insurance at the…

My boss is being a sick about allowing to go do to my doctor’s appointments. There has been a lot of Pushback, passive aggressive comments and even gossiping about me to other employees sometimes knowingly that I could hear in another room. It’s rude uncalled for and makes me want to rage quit. When he was first annoyed with having two doctors appointment after one week. The next week I needed to see the doctor for an ear infection. To his merit there have been a lot of doctors appointments I have explained why I have needed them I have chronic pain from repetitive moments I have at work some of these doctors appointments are to address the wear and tear I’m getting from work. I also explained it’s the end of the year and a lot of appointments like dental and follow up happen with my insurance at the end of the year iv also racing to get my appointments about of the way because I will. Not have health insurance next year I don’t receive healthcare insurance from work it receive it from the state.They don’t care they simply mask it as lazy, not wanting to work. Constantly compares me to other coworkers and gossips about me to other coworkers when he doesn’t like something them acts like it’s all okay and we are some hot shot lovey doves close knight family. It’s hella abusive and he has two sides he’ll be friendly and try to be your friend or act like he has your best interest then do all the toxic stuff I mentioned. I’ve been here a year I have been looking for work but this incident feels like the last straw i want to rage quit but doing that makes him win. I would like to patiently wait and ensure this bullshit until I find a job. I’m scared because I don’t want to into another bad job I want something with no hostile work environments and stuff like that. Am I asking to much? I need to patient I can’t rage quit…I need to pay bills. This sucks so bad to be subservient and reliant on a source of income that gives you stress and pain.

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