
Boss calls me 5 times on my days off

I'm a college student who has been delivering pizza when I'm back home for the summer. It's usually been fine, as the pay is decent and I don't mind working the later hours that come with pizza delivery. But, I recently transferred to a new store because the usual place I worked at didn't need any more drivers. The new manager seemed nice at first, but after a few weeks if work it feels like he's trying to take advantage of the fact that I'm free for the summer and don't have any other responsibilities (kids, other job, etc.) On my scheduled days off (when he himself doesn't schedule me), he'll call me multiple times throughout the day and ask if I can come in to work a “short 5 or 6 hour shift.” He's called me at 9:30pm and later asking me to come in and close, and recently…

I'm a college student who has been delivering pizza when I'm back home for the summer. It's usually been fine, as the pay is decent and I don't mind working the later hours that come with pizza delivery. But, I recently transferred to a new store because the usual place I worked at didn't need any more drivers. The new manager seemed nice at first, but after a few weeks if work it feels like he's trying to take advantage of the fact that I'm free for the summer and don't have any other responsibilities (kids, other job, etc.)

On my scheduled days off (when he himself doesn't schedule me), he'll call me multiple times throughout the day and ask if I can come in to work a “short 5 or 6 hour shift.” He's called me at 9:30pm and later asking me to come in and close, and recently it got to its worst point where he called me 5 times in one day. Three times from his personal phone and then twice from the store phone, and then finally a text that asked me to “call him when I had a free minute.”

The next day I went in to work he asked me why I never answered my phone. That was frustrating and I didn't even know how to respond to that. I shouldn't have to answer my phone on my days off, especially when I'm not in any sort of management role! What's the best way to set these boundaries without losing my job, or pissing off my manager, because I do need the money.

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