
Boss calls me after 5 days dealing with covid. Compares my recovery time to his 6 year old son.

TL:DR Boss calls me after 5 days with covid, asks why I haven't recovered yet, comparing recovery time to his 6 year old son. Is he calling me out as a bitch? —- Two weeks ago I came down with covid. I attended my workplace the day prior and I could feel myself coming down with something. Considering people in my household were currently isolating with covid, I knew I had it. Tested as soon as I got home from work, and it confirmed my suspicion. I let my supervisor know my result and HR had informed him due to Australian covid protocols I'm required to isolate for 5 days. It hit me pretty hard. The first two days were hell. Constant temperature fluctuations and I couldn't control my body shaking. On the Fifth day I was still feeling pretty flat and still had symptoms. I tested anyway and was…

Boss calls me after 5 days with covid, asks why I haven't recovered yet, comparing recovery time to his 6 year old son. Is he calling me out as a bitch?


Two weeks ago I came down with covid. I attended my workplace the day prior and I could feel myself coming down with something. Considering people in my household were currently isolating with covid, I knew I had it.

Tested as soon as I got home from work, and it confirmed my suspicion. I let my supervisor know my result and HR had informed him due to Australian covid protocols I'm required to isolate for 5 days.

It hit me pretty hard. The first two days were hell. Constant temperature fluctuations and I couldn't control my body shaking. On the Fifth day I was still feeling pretty flat and still had symptoms. I tested anyway and was still testing positive.

I informed my supervisor of the situation and I was told to remain home.

Few hours later I receive a phone call from my higher up, I answer and the basic dialogue unfolds “How are you, have you tested again” etc. I answered with “yeah, it's really taken a lot out of me.”

He then tells me that he doesn't understand how I'm still positive and still recovering from covid.
“I don't really understand how you are still positive, is this your first time with covid?”
I answered yes it is.
“Oh that kind of makes sense.. Actually no, it doesn't. My 6 year old son came down with it and he was perfectly fine after 3 days.”
He paused for a moment expecting a response. I remained silent on the phone, just trying to hold my tongue.
I instantly knew what was intended from this phone call.

after roughly 10seconds of pause, he answers with ok well hopefully I see you before we close for Christmas break.

Now, the question I have, and I've asked my immediate friends and family with mixed opinions.
Was the purpose of this phone call to basically call me out as a bitch and a liar?

My thought is why bother calling me if I've already informed you I'm ill and continue to test positive.
And then to compare my recovery time to your 6 year old son? I felt belittled and quite infuriated to be honest.

I'm 27 and to be fair people have differing recovery times of course. But I just feel comparing me to a 6 year old is pretty low.

I had mixed feelings about remaining at this workplace but this has kind of accentuated feelings of leaving now knowing that they have certain opinions of me.

Am I reading too much into this??

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