
Boss calls me mentally fucking stupid because i had one bad fucking day after a year of being their best worker

So this story is actually a couple weeks old, but I still feel like talking about it. I worked as a welder/manufacturer at my company. Despite being the youngest at the company by far, I worked harder than anyone else in the place. I pushed to prove myself day by day, and after a year I had more responsibilities than anyone else in the shop. They literally had me in charge of an entire station for building these engine racks for Toyota, teaching new people how to do it, and I was the official Quality Control for the entire crew checking everything that gets sent out and checking every nook and cranny to ensure the racks were actually good to go. But even after ALL this time and effort I’ve it into the company, they still treat me like complete shit. About two weeks ago I finally quit because they…

So this story is actually a couple weeks old, but I still feel like talking about it. I worked as a welder/manufacturer at my company. Despite being the youngest at the company by far, I worked harder than anyone else in the place. I pushed to prove myself day by day, and after a year I had more responsibilities than anyone else in the shop. They literally had me in charge of an entire station for building these engine racks for Toyota, teaching new people how to do it, and I was the official Quality Control for the entire crew checking everything that gets sent out and checking every nook and cranny to ensure the racks were actually good to go.
But even after ALL this time and effort I’ve it into the company, they still treat me like complete shit. About two weeks ago I finally quit because they took me off the job I was working on, put me on a large new job I had known nothing about, and wanted me to use some taps to put threads into small holes. Now “taps” are very easy to break especially the thinner they are, and I had a bad fucking moment and ended up accidentally breaking three of them in a row. When I told the boss I needed more, he responded with “No, if you’re too fucking stupid to do something as simple as this, you can fuck off cause you’re on sweeping duty the rest of the day.” This fucking made me snap cause the day was already extremely shitty, so I ended up heading home, contacting some old friends and coworkers, and found that one of my old coworkers worked at a nice place and he put in a full vouch for me. They said they’d hire me on immediately, I submit my two weeks the next Monday, and over the past 2-3 weeks at this new job, it is fucking incredible. These new people love me and respect the effort I put in to learn everything as fast as possible. Also they pay me $18hour starting wage when I was only paid $14 hour after a year at my old place.

Side note- I didn’t know until I left for the new job I was actually being paid $3 under their minimum starting wage at the old job. They fucking started me at $13 hour when starting wage was technically supposed to be $16hour.

Another side note- I wanted to fit this up above but didn’t know where. This isn’t even close to the worst thing they’ve said to me. One of the worst things they’ve said is when I found out one of my cousins had just passed from being shot in the head. I went to tell my old boss I would need certain days off for the funeral, and he responded with “Stop being a little bitch making excuses, cousins don’t matter.” Needless to say I responded with “I’ll see you Monday” and walked out not working a single extra day that week to leave early for the funeral.

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