
Boss cares less about their employees family’s lives than getting them back in the office

A bit of background, a co-worker works in the business intelligence team, they have been basically completely remote since the outbreak started. This co-workers mother got cancer and is now undergoing treatment. They’re obviously weak and immuno compromised and any external threat should be avoided. Co-worker’s boss now wants the team back in the office (not with any concrete metrics backing this decision, it’s just because and “culture”). Co-worker protests and the issue ends up with HR. Their solution? She has to come in but she can stay at her desk instead of going into meeting rooms. Brah. Like are these people not human?

A bit of background, a co-worker works in the business intelligence team, they have been basically completely remote since the outbreak started.
This co-workers mother got cancer and is now undergoing treatment. They’re obviously weak and immuno compromised and any external threat should be avoided.
Co-worker’s boss now wants the team back in the office (not with any concrete metrics backing this decision, it’s just because and “culture”). Co-worker protests and the issue ends up with HR. Their solution? She has to come in but she can stay at her desk instead of going into meeting rooms.

Brah. Like are these people not human?

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