
Boss causes severe emotional distress and Idk what to do.

Hello, I hope all is well, I’m not sure if this is the right page to post this, so sorry in advance if it’s not. My boss has purposely caused panic attacks and severe anxiety. The anxiety was so bad I couldn’t eat or sleep for months and vomited multiple times a day. I ended up in ER and urgent care multiple times as well. I also had to start going to therapy. I have always suffered from mental illness but never this bad. One day I had a one on one with my manager and I told him in the past I struggled with anxiety and severe panic attacks. My boss made a joke over it and told other people. Since then he has basically harassed me. His boss, my managers boss, also harasses me too and tries to give me panic attacks. They through a ton of work…


I hope all is well, I’m not sure if this is the right page to post this, so sorry in advance if it’s not.

My boss has purposely caused panic attacks and severe anxiety. The anxiety was so bad I couldn’t eat or sleep for months and vomited multiple times a day. I ended up in ER and urgent care multiple times as well. I also had to start going to therapy. I have always suffered from mental illness but never this bad.

One day I had a one on one with my manager and I told him in the past I struggled with anxiety and severe panic attacks. My boss made a joke over it and told other people. Since then he has basically harassed me. His boss, my managers boss, also harasses me too and tries to give me panic attacks. They through a ton of work on me with no help with very short deadlines then question me like “oh don’t have another panic attack” and laugh at me.

Both bosses are extremely manipulative as well. They tell me people tell them I suck at my job and their bosses hate me.

With this being said, I am transferring to another department in the company but I still have three more weeks. However the emotional distress I go through on a daily basis is unbearable. I haven’t ate or slept normally since July. They also told me I gave them life long trust issues when I applied to an internal job that better aligned what I was studying for my masters.

I was wondering if it is worth it to go to hr or not? I really don’t want to start anything as I suffer from extreme social anxiety and both bosses are extremely manipulative and would make it seem like I made it all up. All the abuse was over video calls so I have no proof. I do have some teams messages of very passive aggressive behavior but nothing that bad.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated and sorry again if this isn’t the right place to post this.

Also, advice is greatly appreciated but also just why? Why do some people act this way to people with mental illness ? They laugh in my face I don’t get why people do this.

Also, This takes place in NJ if anyone is wondering.

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