
Boss Constantly on Vacation

I make barely enough to survive. ($15/hr + bonuses). I’m a telemarketer… My $ depends on these people picking up the phone & actually letting me talk long enough for me to set an appt then actually have to be there at the appt. I went to college, got a whole degree (actually, 2). Capitalism doesn’t care. I hate my job, but I get health insurance (now that I’m 6 months). I also now get PTO. But I can’t stand it. It’s such a shitty job. & we get penalized for the people hanging up & cussing us out all day. Capitalism sucks & I just wanted to complain. Looking for other jobs, whether in my field of study or not. But it’s hard out here. It was never an employee’s pick of jobs, that was a ruse. We all still get stuck in this rat race.

I make barely enough to survive. ($15/hr + bonuses). I’m a telemarketer… My $ depends on these people picking up the phone & actually letting me talk long enough for me to set an appt then actually have to be there at the appt. I went to college, got a whole degree (actually, 2). Capitalism doesn’t care. I hate my job, but I get health insurance (now that I’m 6 months). I also now get PTO. But I can’t stand it. It’s such a shitty job. & we get penalized for the people hanging up & cussing us out all day. Capitalism sucks & I just wanted to complain. Looking for other jobs, whether in my field of study or not. But it’s hard out here. It was never an employee’s pick of jobs, that was a ruse. We all still get stuck in this rat race.

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