
Boss continues to be a huge b*tch, so close to just quitting

I honestly don’t know why this woman has it out for me. I cannot stand her. I’ve been out sick for two weeks with COVID – had a pretty bad case of it, coughing blood and throwing up etc. Two weeks before I got sick she started to call me incompetent and blamed me for messing up a task that I asked her for help on, but she said I should just know how to do things. I was sobbing at my desk. Always a fun day at work for me. Anyway, I came back to the office today, and my boss (who gets to comfortably work from home) has the audacity to say “welcome back from your long vacation! tell me the things you have to do that are outstanding since you last left and when you’ll get them done by.” It wasn’t a fucking vacation and I could…

I honestly don’t know why this woman has it out for me. I cannot stand her. I’ve been out sick for two weeks with COVID – had a pretty bad case of it, coughing blood and throwing up etc. Two weeks before I got sick she started to call me incompetent and blamed me for messing up a task that I asked her for help on, but she said I should just know how to do things. I was sobbing at my desk. Always a fun day at work for me.

Anyway, I came back to the office today, and my boss (who gets to comfortably work from home) has the audacity to say “welcome back from your long vacation! tell me the things you have to do that are outstanding since you last left and when you’ll get them done by.” It wasn’t a fucking vacation and I could barely fucking stay awake long enough to properly function but okay.

I respond to her email telling her my outstanding tasks and when I expect to be done with it. I do statistical modeling so I said I’d get one model done today and another tomorrow. Then I have to create a shit ton of spreadsheets for certain accounts and I said I’d get it done by Friday, because there are over 100 of them to do.

She emails me back saying that I should get it all done today. I hate this woman so much. I’ve been using my free time to look for another job desperately because I don’t know how much longer I could keep it together at this shithole. They don’t even pay me enough. More than half my shitty income goes to rent anyway. Then the rest to living expenses and paying off my debts. I am so exhausted of having to deal with this. The work is terrible and the pay is shit and the boss is shit. I wish I could just collect unemployment for a while so I wouldn’t have to be at this shitty job while I look for a new job, but I’m a foreigner here so I’m not eligible.

Really hope my boss is having a horrible time or something because I don’t know what else would justify her shitty exigeant behavior. Cannot stand her.

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