
Boss discriminated against me for working through horrible insomnia and depression during the pandemic

Basically what the title says. During the pandemic my insomnia came back full swing. I'm talking 5 days, zero sleep, auditory and visual hallucinations the whole nine yards. I would work typically through the first three or four days without sleep. It is important to mention here that I worked with children with mental and behavioral health issues. I was required to complete home visits, care plans, comprehensive assessments, cans assessments, eligibility assessments, as well as care plans and other more minor assessments that affect your care. If I'm being honest I would say in a 6-month period before we were able to get it under control I was probably calling out 1 to 2 days a month with doctors notes thorough explanations and supposedly the support and appreciation of my supervisor because we were still trying to hire three more care managers as well as one of ours being…

Basically what the title says. During the pandemic my insomnia came back full swing. I'm talking 5 days, zero sleep, auditory and visual hallucinations the whole nine yards. I would work typically through the first three or four days without sleep. It is important to mention here that I worked with children with mental and behavioral health issues. I was required to complete home visits, care plans, comprehensive assessments, cans assessments, eligibility assessments, as well as care plans and other more minor assessments that affect your care. If I'm being honest I would say in a 6-month period before we were able to get it under control I was probably calling out 1 to 2 days a month with doctors notes thorough explanations and supposedly the support and appreciation of my supervisor because we were still trying to hire three more care managers as well as one of ours being out on maternity leave. So we were incredibly short and they would not have been able to cover my caseload because they gave me all the most difficult clients.
Fast forward to about I don't know 5 months ago the other two care managers got promoted to Senior Care managers one of them started after me LOL. She worked for the same company before me but in a completely different department. Which would not lend to the criteria one would need to become a senior care manager because she hadn't been there that long. I didn't say anything at first but after a couple of weeks it really started to eat at me so I finally asked her why I was passed over. I recorded it. Her response was that “their mental and physical health had not prevented them from doing their job.”
It is also important to point out that during the time I was having these issues with insomnia and depression my primary wanted to pull me out of work for that entire year however I refused because I didn't want to f*** over my job.
So I left. Fuck them after 5 years. There were other issues but that was the last straw. Now I'm unemployed and kicking myself in the ass. Got six cats to support, lol.

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