
Boss doesn’t want to turn on A/C this summer to save money.

It's 78 degrees in my office. I have a fan pointed at me. I'm in a t-shirt and shorts and I am miserable. I have access to utility bills and can see that making everyone miserably hot is saving my boss a whopping $200/month. About $700 total for the summer. He just gave himself a 30k bonus too, so it's not like the business can't afford it. Infuriating.

It's 78 degrees in my office. I have a fan pointed at me. I'm in a t-shirt and shorts and I am miserable. I have access to utility bills and can see that making everyone miserably hot is saving my boss a whopping $200/month. About $700 total for the summer. He just gave himself a 30k bonus too, so it's not like the business can't afford it.


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