
Boss dug up note I wrote from the trash and yelled at me about it after I quit.

I 22f was a first time caregiver at an Ill equipped facility. I felt abused there and taken advantage of for months. I quit on the spot a few days ago after they told me to get better at everything, and just be better all around the board otherwise I would be fired. She made me cry by calling me a liar and telling me I was not meant for healthcare. And I found out my coworkers were lying about my performance to my face and ripping me to shreds behind my back for months. They didn’t tell me because they got the vibe I wouldn’t listen to them. I wrote down a list of my bosses flaws and everything wrong with this place but tossed it. I was just angry and needed to vent on something. I texted her that I quit effective immediately and she was fine with…

I 22f was a first time caregiver at an Ill equipped facility. I felt abused there and taken advantage of for months. I quit on the spot a few days ago after they told me to get better at everything, and just be better all around the board otherwise I would be fired. She made me cry by calling me a liar and telling me I was not meant for healthcare. And I found out my coworkers were lying about my performance to my face and ripping me to shreds behind my back for months. They didn’t tell me because they got the vibe I wouldn’t listen to them.

I wrote down a list of my bosses flaws and everything wrong with this place but tossed it. I was just angry and needed to vent on something. I texted her that I quit effective immediately and she was fine with it. Few hours later she digs my note up from the poop filled trash and yells at me over text for hurting her feelings.

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