
Boss fired me. AITA

I work at an insurance firm and I was at my computer desk typing up a document when my boss's assistant calls me in to see him. So I sit down at his desk and he tells me how he's not happy and starts getting me to ask him why he's unhappy. He then goes on this long tangent about how my clients are finding every loophole to get coverage. When I explain how we're supposed to help people he just comes back with “we're supposed to help OUR people” such as “our stockholders”. He then goes on about how a company is like an enormous clock and it only works if all the little cogs mesh together. While he's going on this rant, I see someone being attacked outside the window. My boss notices I'm not listening and grabs my face and tells me to look at him when…

I work at an insurance firm and I was at my computer desk typing up a document when my boss's assistant calls me in to see him. So I sit down at his desk and he tells me how he's not happy and starts getting me to ask him why he's unhappy. He then goes on this long tangent about how my clients are finding every loophole to get coverage. When I explain how we're supposed to help people he just comes back with “we're supposed to help OUR people” such as “our stockholders”. He then goes on about how a company is like an enormous clock and it only works if all the little cogs mesh together. While he's going on this rant, I see someone being attacked outside the window. My boss notices I'm not listening and grabs my face and tells me to look at him when he's talking to me. I explain that the man needs help and he disregards it by smugly saying “well let's hope we don't cover him”. In a moment of urgency I decide to get up and try to go help him but my boss yells at me if I leave the room then I'm fired. Filled with rage, I let go of the door handle and come back to the center of the room. I notice now that the mugger got away and I mumble “he got away” in seething anger. This is when my boss replies “good thing too. you were THIS close to losing your-” at which time I grab him and throw him through the wall. All I could muster after that was an “uh oh”.


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