
Boss Fucked Around and Found Out

I work at an unspecified company in an unspecified industry. A couple months ago they cut everyone’s hours from 40 to 36, kicking everyone below the poverty line. I talked to my coworkers and we decided to ask for raises. Management dragged their heels, so I ended up applying to other companies. I got lucky, nailed an interview, and landed my dream job with a 75% raise. I put in my two weeks’, and my boss got all cold and petty. Then my boss pulled me and my coworkers aside one by one, and told us not to talk to each other about wages. I promptly finished my shift, packed my things, and sent them an email with my immediate resignation, citing the law that had been broken under the NLRA. “I will not be complicit in, nor turn a blind eye, to any illegal activity”, I said. Gonna take…

I work at an unspecified company in an unspecified industry. A couple months ago they cut everyone’s hours from 40 to 36, kicking everyone below the poverty line. I talked to my coworkers and we decided to ask for raises.

Management dragged their heels, so I ended up applying to other companies. I got lucky, nailed an interview, and landed my dream job with a 75% raise. I put in my two weeks’, and my boss got all cold and petty. Then my boss pulled me and my coworkers aside one by one, and told us not to talk to each other about wages.

I promptly finished my shift, packed my things, and sent them an email with my immediate resignation, citing the law that had been broken under the NLRA. “I will not be complicit in, nor turn a blind eye, to any illegal activity”, I said.

Gonna take a two week vacation and zen the fuck out before I start my dream job. Or I just might start early if I get excited. Stand up for your rights. Stand up for each other’s rights. Don’t be afraid to ask for fair compensation.

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