
Boss gaslighting me?

When I asked to move up to another role, my boss simply said “maybe” and said that I should be happy with what I get paid (2% raise last year, I get paid 65,000 for reference). He said when he had his first job he got paid 45,000 a year doing the same thing as me, and that I should be grateful for my salary (this was 20 years ago). Does he not know inflation? Or does he want to take advantage of the fact that I’m a new grad and wants to milk my skills and never promote me.

When I asked to move up to another role, my boss simply said “maybe” and said that I should be happy with what I get paid (2% raise last year, I get paid 65,000 for reference).
He said when he had his first job he got paid 45,000 a year doing the same thing as me, and that I should be grateful for my salary (this was 20 years ago).

Does he not know inflation? Or does he want to take advantage of the fact that I’m a new grad and wants to milk my skills and never promote me.

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