
Boss gave me a raise on the basis that I’m a man

Hey everyone, long time listener first time caller. I (23M, progressive as hell) work at a very small conservative local business as a salesman with my coworker (28F). She is way better at this job than me; she has previous industry experience, has better sales numbers than me, better at keeping up with customers, upsells, gets to the point quickly, and is great at being personable. Everything you'd want in a saleswoman, right? Basically, at a recent performance review I was told I'd be getting a raise. When I started to talk about it, my manager told me to keep my voice down so my coworkers wouldn't hear (i.e. don't tell anyone you're getting a raise). The only reason I can think of is that no one else was getting one, which baffles me. I don't hit my sales goals, don't upsell(a hated concept), don't follow uniform guidelines, and am…

Hey everyone, long time listener first time caller. I (23M, progressive as hell) work at a very small conservative local business as a salesman with my coworker (28F). She is way better at this job than me; she has previous industry experience, has better sales numbers than me, better at keeping up with customers, upsells, gets to the point quickly, and is great at being personable. Everything you'd want in a saleswoman, right?

Basically, at a recent performance review I was told I'd be getting a raise. When I started to talk about it, my manager told me to keep my voice down so my coworkers wouldn't hear (i.e. don't tell anyone you're getting a raise). The only reason I can think of is that no one else was getting one, which baffles me. I don't hit my sales goals, don't upsell(a hated concept), don't follow uniform guidelines, and am completely new to the industry. So why would they give me a raise? Because I'm a man and they want to keep me is the only reason I can think of that makes sense. I haven't asked my coworker yet if she got a raise, and I'm worried that if I do either her or I will be penalized for it. Should I talk to anyone about it? I really like my coworkers despite our political differences and don't want to see this business fail, but I also want people to be rewarded for their hard work and honestly I don't feel like I deserve this instead over her.


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