So, about 6 months ago I asked for a raise and was given $2 which put me at the rate I should have been hired at. Boss said he can't give me more because that's just “how it is”. A couple of moths ago I found out he gives his son a 5% commission on all our amazon sales, which we just started. I only found out he is given that amount because I saw on our system how much he was paid for last months commission and I looked up how much we did in sales on Amazon and it matched. The damn kid is 15 years old and made twice as much as I made last month just on commissions just to watch over Amazon. So pretty much nothing. I do all the shipping, returns, inventory count and deal with all the customers. I'm already looking for another job so soon I'll quit. They don't even know that I'm doing this so they'll be surprised. Can't fkn wait!!