
Boss ‘hires’ fiancée as my replacement

Fyi, I'm in 🇬🇧 and my employer is a big name in the chosen industry. So, I handed in my 4 week notice 3 weeks ago now as I'm done with having nothing to show for working my arse off for 5 years in this place and having to lie to staff. I'm a Supervisor so I'm told to say things, look for faults, performance manage and manage poor performers out the door(instead of giving them the chance to improve). Oh and they've not paid my pension contributions in 8 months. An advertisement goes out for my replacement. The boss gives his fiancée an interview which will be done by a panel. But she's still on probation from a previous promotion. She goes for the interview and it's just her and the boss and he gives her the job there and then. How do I know this? She told me…

Fyi, I'm in 🇬🇧 and my employer is a big name in the chosen industry.

So, I handed in my 4 week notice 3 weeks ago now as I'm done with having nothing to show for working my arse off for 5 years in this place and having to lie to staff. I'm a Supervisor so I'm told to say things, look for faults, performance manage and manage poor performers out the door(instead of giving them the chance to improve). Oh and they've not paid my pension contributions in 8 months.

An advertisement goes out for my replacement. The boss gives his fiancée an interview which will be done by a panel. But she's still on probation from a previous promotion. She goes for the interview and it's just her and the boss and he gives her the job there and then. How do I know this? She told me straight away. The others that applied got told to wait for an answer and the answer was no.

I kicked up a fuss. Said that how can it be a fair and open process if the interviewer and interviewee are due to be married, that there's a conflict of interest – I got told it is what it is. So I emailed my direct manager who said he'd forward my complaints. So I came into work this morning, management are off with me and don't want to speak with me. Do I keep working for a week or should I just go and not come back?

The parking industry is toxic. Being a traffic warden is not a great job – but the guys that do it are bullied by management, micro managed and under paid + they don't get bonuses. The contractors make money off them going sick due to council contracts. It's actually quite sad.

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