
Boss increased my workload several fold overnight

I found out that I was put on priority for calls, meaning if I'm available, the call goes to me. On top of putting returns into the system, taking care of existing cases, getting assigned cases…I feel overloaded after just 2 and a half hours. In just two hours, my cases went from 8 to 30 because of being assigned cases and the amount of calls I've taken. Most of them are reinstatements. I've already noticed some favoritism. Several people on my floor get away with not doing much work, sometimes they are in each other's offices chit chatting.

I found out that I was put on priority for calls, meaning if I'm available, the call goes to me. On top of putting returns into the system, taking care of existing cases, getting assigned cases…I feel overloaded after just 2 and a half hours. In just two hours, my cases went from 8 to 30 because of being assigned cases and the amount of calls I've taken. Most of them are reinstatements.

I've already noticed some favoritism. Several people on my floor get away with not doing much work, sometimes they are in each other's offices chit chatting.

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