
Boss is doubling server tipout to compensate kitchen because of inflation…

Instead of giving them raises. I'm floored. I've just heard about this today in a posted notice at work. Basically the servers got a tiny raise a few months ago bc the government mandated it, I was grateful but it wasn't much and with inflation as it is honestly we haven't been as busy so we aren't making many tips. I then heard from my friend in the back that 2 of the kitchen boys were talking about leaving for another job because “other places are giving cost of living raises to kitchen staff”. And now today, a notice that says all the servers will pay twice as much tipout “because we all need to do our part to support the whole restaurant”. Why am I financing another employees wage?? This increase also nullifies our small raise.

Instead of giving them raises. I'm floored. I've just heard about this today in a posted notice at work. Basically the servers got a tiny raise a few months ago bc the government mandated it, I was grateful but it wasn't much and with inflation as it is honestly we haven't been as busy so we aren't making many tips. I then heard from my friend in the back that 2 of the kitchen boys were talking about leaving for another job because “other places are giving cost of living raises to kitchen staff”.

And now today, a notice that says all the servers will pay twice as much tipout “because we all need to do our part to support the whole restaurant”. Why am I financing another employees wage?? This increase also nullifies our small raise.

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