
Boss is refusing every single time off request

I work in a restaurant where the shifts are different for every one every week. My boss has now told us that no one can book any time off at all, ever, and that if we need time off it is our responsibility to get it covered. No matter the circumstances. Our shifts change every week and we don’t know what our shifts are until a few days before. Is this legal? (I’m in Canada). I know that every employee is entitled to two weeks off a year and she doesn’t seem to care about that. My coworker has an appointment with a specialist she’s been waiting 2 years for that was denied, and now she’s scrambling to get it covered. My boss is also about to go on a month long vacation we’re all fuckin choked and might all quit about it

I work in a restaurant where the shifts are different for every one every week. My boss has now told us that no one can book any time off at all, ever, and that if we need time off it is our responsibility to get it covered. No matter the circumstances. Our shifts change every week and we don’t know what our shifts are until a few days before. Is this legal? (I’m in Canada). I know that every employee is entitled to two weeks off a year and she doesn’t seem to care about that. My coworker has an appointment with a specialist she’s been waiting 2 years for that was denied, and now she’s scrambling to get it covered. My boss is also about to go on a month long vacation we’re all fuckin choked and might all quit about it

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