
Boss is such a jerk! #noregerts

Bossman: “Me, you must come in to work tomorrow or you are fired.” Me: “I put in notice fourteen hours ago that tomorrow is my wedding and my dad is in hospital for dying. I can't come into work tomorrow.” Bossman: “Yes come into work tomorrow. Or you are fired.” Me: “I guess that I am fired. I will not come into work tomorrow.” Bossman: “But you must come into work tomorrow. We are shortstaffed and the head office will be angry with me and I will be fired tomorrow.” Me: “Lol.”

Bossman: “Me, you must come in to work tomorrow or you are fired.”

Me: “I put in notice fourteen hours ago that tomorrow is my wedding and my dad is in hospital for dying. I can't come into work tomorrow.”

Bossman: “Yes come into work tomorrow. Or you are fired.”

Me: “I guess that I am fired. I will not come into work tomorrow.”

Bossman: “But you must come into work tomorrow. We are shortstaffed and the head office will be angry with me and I will be fired tomorrow.”

Me: “Lol.”

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