
Boss just doesn’t seem to get it.

He's a man, who is doing EXTREMELY well financially. A $1.5m house, 3 cars, 2 ATVs, the list goes on. He says: “It's hard to find people who actually want to work.” I said: “No, it's because an entire generation of people are sick and tired of being manipulated, abused, and treated horribly.” I worked retail from '05 to '18 when I was hired by my boss. Our business has exploded. $800k in sales in 2018, $900k in 2019, $1.5m in 2020, $2.5m in 2021. We need more help. But my boss doesn't understand that there's 0 chance of finding help unless we can prove to any potential employee that their contribution will be worth their time. As the “Operations Manager” I'm just about running the show with ensuring jobs are scheduled, done, and coordinated – as well as doing them myself. I am willing to bring on anyone that…

He's a man, who is doing EXTREMELY well financially. A $1.5m house, 3 cars, 2 ATVs, the list goes on.

He says: “It's hard to find people who actually want to work.”

I said: “No, it's because an entire generation of people are sick and tired of being manipulated, abused, and treated horribly.”

I worked retail from '05 to '18 when I was hired by my boss. Our business has exploded. $800k in sales in 2018, $900k in 2019, $1.5m in 2020, $2.5m in 2021. We need more help.

But my boss doesn't understand that there's 0 chance of finding help unless we can prove to any potential employee that their contribution will be worth their time.

As the “Operations Manager” I'm just about running the show with ensuring jobs are scheduled, done, and coordinated – as well as doing them myself. I am willing to bring on anyone that sells me their time and I am willing to make sure they feel their efforts are worth it. But his conservative mindset…can it be changed?

I just don't know…

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