
Boss keeps trying to make me stay an hour late.

I'm scheduled to get off at 1pm, but my manager regularly tries to put on the board that I'm off at 2pm. I'm a server, so after I get cut from the floor I have to stay and do sidework and wait for my last tables to leave, which always takes at least 30 minutes to an hour since they'll sit you with new tables up until exactly your cut time. So I'm already getting out an hour later than I'm supposed to, if I have to wait to be cut until 2 I'll be getting out 2 hours later than I'm supposed to and be hella late to pick my partner up from his job. It's already annoying that during the last 30 minutes to an hour I'm working purely for money that goes to taxes (I don't get a paycheck, it all goes to taxes so once I'm…

I'm scheduled to get off at 1pm, but my manager regularly tries to put on the board that I'm off at 2pm. I'm a server, so after I get cut from the floor I have to stay and do sidework and wait for my last tables to leave, which always takes at least 30 minutes to an hour since they'll sit you with new tables up until exactly your cut time. So I'm already getting out an hour later than I'm supposed to, if I have to wait to be cut until 2 I'll be getting out 2 hours later than I'm supposed to and be hella late to pick my partner up from his job. It's already annoying that during the last 30 minutes to an hour I'm working purely for money that goes to taxes (I don't get a paycheck, it all goes to taxes so once I'm not serving tables and doing sidework, it's basically working for free).
Anyway I'll ask her to make a new floorplan, and she'll say things like, “I'll cut you when there are more clean tables” or “once we're not on a wait” or just straight up, “it's too busy to cut anyone”. But why would I clean my tables just so I'll get sat again and be stuck there even longer? And why should I have to stay longer than my scheduled time just because we're busy? It's not my fault management doesn't schedule better.
People who work with me who have kids or are in school get better treatment, they get to leave immediately because they think children and school are more of a priority than me needing to pick my partner up from work.

I grew up very much a people pleaser and don't like being the problem. My dad always told me to stop making my problems other people's problems and deal with it myself, in this situation he would probably say to suck it up if you don't want to lose your job.

Advice would definitely be appreciated on how best to professionally handle this situation next time it happens. I do still want to keep my job, I love it for the most part, it's just this one manager who doesn't seem to respect my time.

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