
Boss lied about Covid.

First time posting, sorry if I screw it up. Last December my dad died of Covid, about a week before Christmas was when we had to pull him off life support. Now skip ahead to the middle of January and a coworker doesn’t show up for work, so I ask my boss what is going on and they say that the person is feeling a little under the weather, but that it was nothing serious and nobody needed to worry about it. Well, a week later the employee comes back and is profusely apologizing to everyone for exposing us to Covid, especially the two pregnant employees. And assures us that had she felt sick at all she wouldn’t have come in her last day of work before taking sick leave, and that it wasn’t until she got home that evening that she started feeling weird and decided to take a…

First time posting, sorry if I screw it up.

Last December my dad died of Covid, about a week before Christmas was when we had to pull him off life support.
Now skip ahead to the middle of January and a coworker doesn’t show up for work, so I ask my boss what is going on and they say that the person is feeling a little under the weather, but that it was nothing serious and nobody needed to worry about it. Well, a week later the employee comes back and is profusely apologizing to everyone for exposing us to Covid, especially the two pregnant employees. And assures us that had she felt sick at all she wouldn’t have come in her last day of work before taking sick leave, and that it wasn’t until she got home that evening that she started feeling weird and decided to take a Covid test.

Everyone is shocked, so I immediately contact my boss and ask if they new about the employee having Covid. They replied yes, and said that they chose not to tell anyone because it wasn’t really a big deal and we are all healthy enough to fight off Covid. They apologized and said they just didn’t think it was important.

Well, after a few hours of stewing while I worked. I decided to let my boss know that for my own health and safety I needed to quit before something like this happened again. Their response “k, bye”.


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