
Boss lowered my pay, and then later on refused to pay me after I handed in my two weeks notice

So I'm a student, and got a waitressing job around 4 months ago. It was mostly to save up some money for the future, because my parents are funding me throughout my education. I'm in med school and I have rotations in internal throughout the summer. I made it to work fine thought, usually around 10mins before my shift started just to get changed and open. My boss has been a pretty okay boss before this,but as soon as I told him I won't be able to work after the 14th because of exams season, he got really mad, and told me he was lowering my pay because I never come to work on time (which just isn't true), and said some other honestly uncalled for mean things. I said okay but I got pretty mad so I decided to just not show up anymore. I don't need the money…

So I'm a student, and got a waitressing job around 4 months ago. It was mostly to save up some money for the future, because my parents are funding me throughout my education.

I'm in med school and I have rotations in internal throughout the summer. I made it to work fine thought, usually around 10mins before my shift started just to get changed and open.

My boss has been a pretty okay boss before this,but as soon as I told him I won't be able to work after the 14th because of exams season, he got really mad, and told me he was lowering my pay because I never come to work on time (which just isn't true), and said some other honestly uncalled for mean things. I said okay but I got pretty mad so I decided to just not show up anymore. I don't need the money that much, and I'm hired illegally, so I have no contract.

End of my shift was nearing and there was a money problem, I'm not going to go into much detail but basically it was a mistake boss made but he blamed me for not catching it.
He got mad at me and told me that I'm not getting payed, and that I'll also work without pay tomorrow, as a punishment.
I basically took the money he owned me anyway when his back was turned, took my share of tips and dipped.

A lot of other waitresses stopped showing up for work recently so I really don't understand why he's doing it, since its a busy place with only one waitress left now.

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