
boss made me smell cat piss

so ive been working at a shelter for about a month. VERY low wage, below min wage here and WAY low for an animal care job. well all i do is clean and care after the animals. my boss is a usually ok person. they barely even bother to involve themselves w my coworkers. and they love to talk shit on every employee whenever they can. ive had bosses shittalk me before, im used to it. but what my boss did yesterday was just bizarre. so i finished cleaning an area w the cats and moved on to the next. i get interrupted on my break to go to see my boss about something. they lead me to a blanket that was in an animal area and proceeded to lecture me on making sure all the bedding isnt soiled or gross. i have been very diligent about cleanliness ever since…

so ive been working at a shelter for about a month. VERY low wage, below min wage here and WAY low for an animal care job. well all i do is clean and care after the animals. my boss is a usually ok person. they barely even bother to involve themselves w my coworkers. and they love to talk shit on every employee whenever they can. ive had bosses shittalk me before, im used to it. but what my boss did yesterday was just bizarre. so i finished cleaning an area w the cats and moved on to the next. i get interrupted on my break to go to see my boss about something. they lead me to a blanket that was in an animal area and proceeded to lecture me on making sure all the bedding isnt soiled or gross. i have been very diligent about cleanliness ever since i started so i was confused. so they say, all while making me out to be stupid, 'pick that up and smell it' i kinda didnt want to but they were just staring at me so i did. yeah it was pissed on. it was definitely not when i was there an hour earlier. but thats common, ill pop into other peoples areas and find all kind of new messes. animals are messy. so they bitched at me that i wasnt cleaning well enough and im pretty sure they are putting their little lackey on watch duty bc all of a sudden shes all watching m during my shifts. im pretty sure my boss has hated me from the getgo but they literally dont have the staffing to fire me right now so whatever. i just found the whole interaction weird and they obviously wanted to find a way to humiliate me with they way they went about it. just odd but whatever bc im starting a new job at another shelter that pays well and is with the county. cant wait to not pop them any notice once i start and watch them fumble

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