
Boss offered to fix our hours to 40 if we finish early then never does it. Red flag?

Hi guys I'm in a really bad predicament at work. I basically got stuck in this position working as the guy doing the job nobody else wants to do. I worked 4 months alone building routes, cleaning out trucks, loading trucks for a uniform services company. Basically a very laborious job that's the least paid. They finally found help for me out back here and he gets paid the same as I do even though I've worked here 10 months and they expect me to teach him things. I've even gotten the whole “were family” spell from one of the senior employees. I took this job on the contingency I'd move up after 6 months of emplyment to a driver position which is about 5 dollars more per hour and 4 days a week work instead of the 5 that i do currently. 10 months in I've got nothing because…

Hi guys I'm in a really bad predicament at work. I basically got stuck in this position working as the guy doing the job nobody else wants to do. I worked 4 months alone building routes, cleaning out trucks, loading trucks for a uniform services company. Basically a very laborious job that's the least paid. They finally found help for me out back here and he gets paid the same as I do even though I've worked here 10 months and they expect me to teach him things. I've even gotten the whole “were family” spell from one of the senior employees. I took this job on the contingency I'd move up after 6 months of emplyment to a driver position which is about 5 dollars more per hour and 4 days a week work instead of the 5 that i do currently. 10 months in I've got nothing because they cant properly staff my position and arent actively looking, but are still continuing to hire drivers. The head manager used to fix our hours to 40 and we have the go ahead to leave Fridays early. Last month and this entire month I've checked my hours and they have not been edited. Is this place a scam with shitty management? This asshole is on vacation next week too he takes one about every 2 months. I'm so frustrated with this place, being lied to about my employment opportunities and lied to about my hours and being expect to care about the job at the same time. People wonder why nobody wants to hold down a job nowadays its all smoke and mirrors.

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