
Boss passive aggressively trying to get me to cancel my day off

In 2021, December 25th (Christmas) and January 1st (New Year's Day) fell on the weekends. For this reason, my office did not close for either of those holidays. Instead, management said that employees could take two “floating holidays,” but we need to use them in the first quarter of this year (ends March 31st). I put in my request for 3/21/22 and 3/28/22 back in early February and was approved. On Friday, my boss starts making comments. “We need to work on this today, because you are going to be out Monday…right?””I don't see how we are going to get all this done in time.” “Who is going to help compile all the exhibits?” “Where are all the bank statements?” All accompanied by heavy sighs. She had me insert a table into her Word document and then kept acting helpless to adjust the borders. She just projected an air of…

In 2021, December 25th (Christmas) and January 1st (New Year's Day) fell on the weekends. For this reason, my office did not close for either of those holidays. Instead, management said that employees could take two “floating holidays,” but we need to use them in the first quarter of this year (ends March 31st). I put in my request for 3/21/22 and 3/28/22 back in early February and was approved.

On Friday, my boss starts making comments. “We need to work on this today, because you are going to be out Monday…right?””I don't see how we are going to get all this done in time.” “Who is going to help compile all the exhibits?” “Where are all the bank statements?” All accompanied by heavy sighs. She had me insert a table into her Word document and then kept acting helpless to adjust the borders. She just projected an air of franticness that this highly! important! work! would not get done and that would be unfair! to! the! client! I just calmly showed her how to adjust the borders on the table, here is where we store the billing statements, reach out to (other employee) if you need help. It was obvious that my boss was hoping that I would say “This needs to get finished. I'll come in Monday, and figure out a better time to take off.” I have bent over backwards for her in the past, but not this time. Screw that. I'm learning how to say no.

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