
Boss punishing me?

I feel really weird about this and don’t know if I’m overreacting or not. I am currently buying a house and found out last week my father is dying, boss knows this. Yesterday I had to mail some letters and there were two that needed to be set aside. I accidentally threw all in the mailbox and forgot to stamp them. Big fuck up, I know. I told my boss this and she asked if there was any way we could open the box and I said no I asked the building management and they said only the postman can open it. I repeatedly apologized yet she kept asking me if I realized there were two checks that needed to be set aside despite me already saying that all were in the mailbox. I left a sticky note on the mailbox in hope that the postman will return the letters…

I feel really weird about this and don’t know if I’m overreacting or not. I am currently buying a house and found out last week my father is dying, boss knows this.

Yesterday I had to mail some letters and there were two that needed to be set aside. I accidentally threw all in the mailbox and forgot to stamp them. Big fuck up, I know. I told my boss this and she asked if there was any way we could open the box and I said no I asked the building management and they said only the postman can open it. I repeatedly apologized yet she kept asking me if I realized there were two checks that needed to be set aside despite me already saying that all were in the mailbox. I left a sticky note on the mailbox in hope that the postman will return the letters to the front desk today and told my boss.

Boss then asked me if I can come back in tomorrow to mail the letters when we get them back. There is another girl who is in office that day who could easily do it (we all work from home 4 days a week) I kind of feel like my boss is intentionally punishing me by making me go back in just to complete a small task that someone can help with. I know it was a huge mistake but I feel like my boss is being a little harsh knowing everything I’m dealing with at the moment and the fact that I otherwise do a great job. I feel like everything I do is going to be scrutinized now.

I updated my resume last night and set myself as open to work on LinkedIn for a fully remote job just to see if I’m contacted because that’s my end goal and I’m really tired of office politics. Come on man, I’m 25, trying to buy a house, and just found out my father is dying, give me a bit of a break.

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