
Boss refuses to pay me Covid pay

We are a small private school. To my knowledge, if a teacher gets Covid at school.. our boss gives us Covid pay, this was the policy the entire last year. I never got Covid until now. My paycheck was short $500. I asked my boss about it and she goes “I have been very accommodating for all your absences and even gave you sick pay when you had none left, sick pay cannot continue to be unlimited or else I can’t keep the school open!” For context, my mom died 5 months ago and I lost my housing shortly after causing me to miss work. I never asked her to give me the extra pay me. Now she’s holding it over my head. She never advised me that Covid pay was over. I get paid 16.50 an hour in Los Angeles. I have no benefits. No insurance. Tuition is 2k…

We are a small private school. To my knowledge, if a teacher gets Covid at school.. our boss gives us Covid pay, this was the policy the entire last year. I never got Covid until now. My paycheck was short $500. I asked my boss about it and she goes “I have been very accommodating for all your absences and even gave you sick pay when you had none left, sick pay cannot continue to be unlimited or else I can’t keep the school open!” For context, my mom died 5 months ago and I lost my housing shortly after causing me to miss work. I never asked her to give me the extra pay me. Now she’s holding it over my head. She never advised me that Covid pay was over. I get paid 16.50 an hour in Los Angeles. I have no benefits. No insurance. Tuition is 2k per child a month. We have 50 students. And she’s treating me like this over $500. I’ve broken my back at this place for 3 years with no raise. In addition, for four months of last year I didn’t get a second break. Not sure what to do from here. Do you think her words were justified? I don’t. I want to quit. And I wanna do it in style.

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