
Boss ruins 6 year relationship

I started working under my manager at another company in 2016. As direct as she was, I learned a lot from her and as long as she was not an ass to me, I didn't think much about her aggressive nature. She moved to another job two years ago and asked me to join without giving me the title I deserved. Aah what the hell, I liked working with her so I went for it. This summer she decided to hire 2 more people in our team and asked me to transition all my work to them since I was starting another project. One day she decided to wake up and launch an attack on me saying I didn't transition my work well, I was being unwelcoming and passive aggressive. I asked her for examples but she couldn't give me any. She didn't sit any of us down and explain…

I started working under my manager at another company in 2016. As direct as she was, I learned a lot from her and as long as she was not an ass to me, I didn't think much about her aggressive nature. She moved to another job two years ago and asked me to join without giving me the title I deserved. Aah what the hell, I liked working with her so I went for it. This summer she decided to hire 2 more people in our team and asked me to transition all my work to them since I was starting another project. One day she decided to wake up and launch an attack on me saying I didn't transition my work well, I was being unwelcoming and passive aggressive. I asked her for examples but she couldn't give me any. She didn't sit any of us down and explain the transition. She expected me to wing it. And she also expected me to hand hold these two new employees who had higher titles and should know to do the work by now. I took it very hard but decided ok maybe I need to be better about teaching others how to adjust in their role. However since that day my manager started icing me out and being hot and cold. I considered her a friend outside of work and asked her if I had done anything wrong and if I broke her trust. She was passive aggressive and she said no and threatened me if I ever questioned her again it would be a problem. So I started looking for new jobs and got 3 competing offers with a 25% increase in salary at the same level. The day I told her I was leaving she was shocked but didn't say a word. She wanted me to make a transition plan which I did but in my two weeks notice she didn't speak to me once or wish me good bye or good luck. It really messed me up so bad. This is a person who I considered to be a friend outside of work. Even professionally, I can't believe a person you worked with for that long can change overnight.

I'm happier at my new job but it still irks me how she ended things with me. I guess your boss is only your boss and can never be anything but that.

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