So as the title says my boss a few months ago on our one on one said he “can't figure me out”.
I have an amazing supervisor I report to. He's great. No problems. He really helps progress my career.
Now the boss on the other other hand. He's…different. He's very BFF with some of the guys in the office who he previously worked with. I'm still new, female, worked there under a year and I don't like to make close friends at work. But I'm learning to break out of my shell, I chat with a few ppl I like more and I'm generally happy.
This boss isn't helping. He seems rattled by me. Put off that I'm not bff-y with everyone. And not bff-y with him. I've been told he treats ppl like their dumb and he's an all knowing god. He definitely has this personality type and looks down on ppl.
Any thoughts on this?
I'm job hunting to find a better role to advance my career further and leave this team. I'm creeped out by this boss. He's really odd and different. Almost like he's trying too hard with us new folks.
Also the team had a major turnover and 90% of our small 6 person team is new.