
Boss said I can’t use PTO or Sick Leave after putting in my 2 weeks. Company policy doesn’t say anything about that.

Today I put in my 2 weeks notice because I found a better job and this company is a shit hole. I had some leftover PTO and sick time that I wanted to use. Told my supervisor this and she talk to our manager. Our manager told my supervisor that I can't use Sick Leave or PTO during the 2 week period. Company policy doesn't say anything about not being able to use it during that period. Before people say to go to HR, they would do the same thing. They would reject the time. The HR here is shit and doesn't care about its workers. What can I do here? Those are my hours that I worked for and I'm tired of this company and the shit they have pulled Edit: I should have put this info in the post. I live in Washington State. Also, company policy does…

Today I put in my 2 weeks notice because I found a better job and this company is a shit hole. I had some leftover PTO and sick time that I wanted to use. Told my supervisor this and she talk to our manager. Our manager told my supervisor that I can't use Sick Leave or PTO during the 2 week period. Company policy doesn't say anything about not being able to use it during that period. Before people say to go to HR, they would do the same thing. They would reject the time. The HR here is shit and doesn't care about its workers.

What can I do here? Those are my hours that I worked for and I'm tired of this company and the shit they have pulled

Edit: I should have put this info in the post. I live in Washington State. Also, company policy does say that only PTO will be paid out, not Sick Leave. I would also rather use that time for days off for plans coming during this 2 week period, one of which is a 2 year wedding anniversary.

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