
Boss said I didn’t need a wage increase because I still lived at home

This happened at my last job, but still makes me shake my head when I remember it. For background, I work in a field that requires a specific degree. It was my first job and was massively underpaid, being barely over minimum wage considering the complexity of the role. When my colleague and I eventually asked about salary reviews, my boss basically said I should be fine on what I had because I lived with my parents. Yeah, and why’d you think that is?? Because I can’t afford rent or a mortgage!!!!! Personal circumstances are of no concern to your employer when requesting a raise/salary review. I could have been the queen of England and I’d still deserve to be paid exactly what I’m worth, regardless of my level of ‘need’. A few months later they tried to match the pay of my new job offer. Amazingly they came up…

This happened at my last job, but still makes me shake my head when I remember it.

For background, I work in a field that requires a specific degree. It was my first job and was massively underpaid, being barely over minimum wage considering the complexity of the role. When my colleague and I eventually asked about salary reviews, my boss basically said I should be fine on what I had because I lived with my parents. Yeah, and why’d you think that is?? Because I can’t afford rent or a mortgage!!!!!

Personal circumstances are of no concern to your employer when requesting a raise/salary review. I could have been the queen of England and I’d still deserve to be paid exactly what I’m worth, regardless of my level of ‘need’.

A few months later they tried to match the pay of my new job offer. Amazingly they came up with the money somehow!! I still left lol.

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