
Boss Says Anti-Gay Rhetoric All Day

My new boss is a big, blithering, marble-mouthed, dipshit. He spends most of his day talking about how much better everything was in the 70s and 80s. How much he hates gay pride month and for some reason has an issue with gays or something. It is such a strange work environment. He also told me the other day how I remind him of a kid he used to beat up. I don't know if he thinks he's intimidating but he's not, he just sounds like a slush-mouthed idiot. What the hell should I do? I have thought about recording him and seeing what higher ups say. I just find it hard to be around. Otherwise I enjoy the job. Good hours, best salary I ever had. But this shit is weighing me down. What the hell do I do?

My new boss is a big, blithering, marble-mouthed, dipshit. He spends most of his day talking about how much better everything was in the 70s and 80s. How much he hates gay pride month and for some reason has an issue with gays or something. It is such a strange work environment. He also told me the other day how I remind him of a kid he used to beat up. I don't know if he thinks he's intimidating but he's not, he just sounds like a slush-mouthed idiot. What the hell should I do? I have thought about recording him and seeing what higher ups say. I just find it hard to be around. Otherwise I enjoy the job. Good hours, best salary I ever had. But this shit is weighing me down. What the hell do I do?

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