
Boss says there’s flexible WFH if snow but never responded to my email?

I started my first career job back in October. My direct boss is kind of crabby sometimes (never yelled at me) due to medical issues and generally being disgruntled by IT issues that come up in the office. When I first started I was told the job is in person, but if there’s bad weather or a doctor appointment then work from home days are fine. My boss has stated he doesn’t mind about working from home and wishes we were able to do so more often (he doesn’t make this decision) btw I’m able to do my entire job on my laptop, my bosses boss just likes to see everyone in their office working. I’ve only ran late once because of car troubles. I’ve worked from home a few snow storms this winter (once he basically told me I could because he was as well). In those days I…

I started my first career job back in October. My direct boss is kind of crabby sometimes (never yelled at me) due to medical issues and generally being disgruntled by IT issues that come up in the office. When I first started I was told the job is in person, but if there’s bad weather or a doctor appointment then work from home days are fine. My boss has stated he doesn’t mind about working from home and wishes we were able to do so more often (he doesn’t make this decision) btw I’m able to do my entire job on my laptop, my bosses boss just likes to see everyone in their office working.

I’ve only ran late once because of car troubles. I’ve worked from home a few snow storms this winter (once he basically told me I could because he was as well). In those days I sent an email in the morning letting him know I’m uncomfortable commuting with the road conditions and he sends back a quick response “ok-ing” it.

Today, there was a lot of snow early in the morning (about 4 inches total) and the roads weren’t good, so I sent an email asking if it’s okay if I could work from home because the last time it snowed and I was at work the drive home took me 2 hours and I was constantly sliding (I have bad tires).

He..never responded. I emailed him an hour before my shift usually starts. the roads were completely clear by noon, and I’m starting to feel insanely guilty and like he thinks I’m slacking. The guilt is eating me up because everyone else in the office goes in no matter the weather (up to like 7 inches of snow for reasons I don’t quite understand) so I don’t want him to think I’m lazy or entitled.

Any advice or thoughts? What should I even say tomorrow when I see him? I feel guilty and embarrassed that he never responded to my email.

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