
boss straight up accused me of lying about being sick

Unorganized rant So basically my new medication makes me feel like shit, and I woke up feeling weak, feverish, sore, and extra tired and brain fog but I didn't have an actual fever so I still came to work. I was planning on asking if I could leave just an hour early, if there was enough coverage so when I get in, I ask one of the managers (not the closing manager, I'm scheduled to close so its the closing managers decision if I leave early or not) if anybody called out yet and she's like “not that I know of, why?” And I go “well I'm trying to see if there's enough coverage cause I was gonna ask [closing manager] if I could leave early” and she immediately just says “no, no, absolutely not.” (Without even asking me why or anything) Which is weird to me cause its not…

Unorganized rant
So basically my new medication makes me feel like shit, and I woke up feeling weak, feverish, sore, and extra tired and brain fog but I didn't have an actual fever so I still came to work.

I was planning on asking if I could leave just an hour early, if there was enough coverage so when I get in, I ask one of the managers (not the closing manager, I'm scheduled to close so its the closing managers decision if I leave early or not) if anybody called out yet and she's like “not that I know of, why?” And I go “well I'm trying to see if there's enough coverage cause I was gonna ask [closing manager] if I could leave early” and she immediately just says “no, no, absolutely not.” (Without even asking me why or anything)

Which is weird to me cause its not really her call but whatever. At this point I'm nervous to ask [closing manager] because I'm worried about getting the same reaction and being told no automatically so I directly to the GM and ask if she can tell [closing manager] to send me home early if we have enough people and she says that's fine so she goes and tells both the other managers.

Thought everything was fine until the 1st manager I spoke to approaches me and goes “you didn't have to go over my head to [GM] and lie about being sick, by the way” and I was like “I didn't lie? I'm literally sick because of my new medication” and she was like “well you didn't tell me that” and I was like “you didn't ask” and then she was like “its not my job to ask its your job to tell me why” and I was like “ok but I didn't think you needed to know because i thought it wasn't your call anyway” and then she just goes on for a while about how I need to communicate better

And THEN she goes to explain to me that when I initially mentioned leaving early she thought I was joking because sometimes I joke about wanting to go home i guess? And I was like “I'm sorry, I assumed you'd know I was serious because I asked if there was coverage first” and she goes “I'm not a mind reader. You're asking me to be psychic and that's not fair to me” huh?? Yet I'm supposed to read her mind and tell her why when I don't know that she needs to know why I guess?

She goes “I'm a manager, I deal with 30 employees, while you only have to report to one manager at a time do you see why it's not my job..” or something because I guess she doesn't understand that communication goes both ways 🤷 so then she goes “

So I don't know, maybe i didn't make it obvious enough that I was being serious this time, so maybe I'm like boy who cried wolf or something but I feel like flat out accusing me of lying was disrespectful and uncalled for.

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