
Boss Threatens to Fire Me for Bullsh*t Reason, Immediately Regrets it.

Hey y'all! Apologies for formatting! So I, unfortunately, work for a large fast food chain. Stuck in the fun loop where I need to pay bills, but don't make enough to pay bills. Recently I've been really down in the dumps. I had called off work maybe 3 or so times in my year and a half of working there. A few days ago, my husband and I donated plasma for the first time. We needed extra cash before we move into our new apartment for costs. We had a hearty breakfast and drank lots of water. The center checked my iron levels and did a physical, and said I was all good to donate.. Everything went well at the appointment, until they ran a bag of saline through me. I was told I would be feeling a bit chilly, but if my lips went extremely cold, to let someone…

Hey y'all! Apologies for formatting!
So I, unfortunately, work for a large fast food chain. Stuck in the fun loop where I need to pay bills, but don't make enough to pay bills.
Recently I've been really down in the dumps. I had called off work maybe 3 or so times in my year and a half of working there.
A few days ago, my husband and I donated plasma for the first time. We needed extra cash before we move into our new apartment for costs. We had a hearty breakfast and drank lots of water. The center checked my iron levels and did a physical, and said I was all good to donate.. Everything went well at the appointment, until they ran a bag of saline through me. I was told I would be feeling a bit chilly, but if my lips went extremely cold, to let someone know so they can change the amount. I felt perfectly fine afterwards, and after sitting for 10 minutes, husband and I got to drive home. When we were almost to the house, I started feeling the cold lips, and I wanted to throw up so badly. As soon as he pulled into the driveway, I rushed into the bathroom. After that fun ordeal, my husband started walking em upstairs to our bedroom to lie down. I don't remember much next, but apparently right before our bedroom door, I fainted and fell to the floor. I woke up to my husband freaking out and crying, all while slapping me to get me to wake up. As soon as I did, I felt the urge to vomit again, and crawled my way to our bathroom. Finally got myself cleaned up, and was put to bed. My husband frantically called my boss for me, telling my boss he didn't want me coming in. But boss, the misogynist he is, said “women faint. She needs to come in tonight, or she's fired.” I told my husband we couldn't afford the doctor, and i was feeling a bit better, so I decided to go in anyway.. So around time for work, I pull myself out of bed, get dressed, still nauseous. Husband drove me to work, and I clock in and start my shift. Boss was working with me in the back putting away boxes, when suddenly I feel like I'm going to black out again. Boss had to catch me, and the only thing he said was, “Maybe you should go home.” And thats it. No apology, no ride home, nothing. Husband leaves his job to come pick me up and take me back. The next day, I get a call from our head of HR, who is boss's boss. I explained the situation, how boss treated women very differently when it came to health reason for calling off, and about him threatening to fire me when I was clearly unable to work. Tomorrow, boss is having a meeting with the hire ups. More incidents at the store like mine are all being discussed. I assume my situation was the last straw, and he will be either stepping down or getting fired.
What a shit show, I swear.

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