
Boss told me “money isn’t everything” after I got a promotion

I work in medical animal research and recently applied and got another job in my department. It's considered a promotion and I'm super excited to learn more technical work for better pay and feel like I'm making a bigger impact. I've spent the past year working a basic support tech job, which literally just means I change cages, feed animals, and make sure rooms are kept clean. The new job I will actually be managing mice colonies for labs and helping them perform experiments. All this to say, it's a big jump with a decent pay raise (for my field). Since it is a transfer within my department my current boss and new boss discussed when my start date would be (about 3 weeks after I accepted the new position). Wasn't super happy with waiting so long, but it's better than what my current boss (we'll call her Frankie) wanted…

I work in medical animal research and recently applied and got another job in my department. It's considered a promotion and I'm super excited to learn more technical work for better pay and feel like I'm making a bigger impact. I've spent the past year working a basic support tech job, which literally just means I change cages, feed animals, and make sure rooms are kept clean. The new job I will actually be managing mice colonies for labs and helping them perform experiments. All this to say, it's a big jump with a decent pay raise (for my field).

Since it is a transfer within my department my current boss and new boss discussed when my start date would be (about 3 weeks after I accepted the new position). Wasn't super happy with waiting so long, but it's better than what my current boss (we'll call her Frankie) wanted which was me to stay until they hired someone new. This would have easily taken another month.

Anyway, we had a staff meeting with all my current coworkers last week as a little “going away” party for me and for them to discuss how they'd handle my work load once I left. Frankie brought donuts (asked me what sweets I wanted and everything). But then the convo happened…

I can't remember what I was responding to exactly, but I said “I'm sorry for leaving yall, I've enjoyed working here but ya know, pay raise”. I said it jokingly and laughed and my coworkers chuckled and said they understood.

Frankie looked at me hard though and said “Just remember, money isn't everything”.

I was taken aback for a second but I composed myself long enough to say “Oh I know, that's why I work with animals”

I wish I would've said something a bit more witty but oh well. I've been full time in the workforce all of 2 years and I just don't understand these people. I know she doesn't make bank, but she does make at least twice what I do now. She's also the boss who told me if she was still young and able she'd work all her free time because “what else is there to do”.

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