
Boss tried to blackmail me to pick up open to close shifts.

So I worked for this company as a receptionist. Management sucked and everybody started quitting but me being naive and just needing the money for rent I stayed. Started picking up double shifts and doing other jobs to pick up the slack. After about 3 months of this non stop I get a call from Boss at the end of my shift ( I open the store) saying “we need you to stay for a double and pick up the night shift. The other receptionist can't make it in” To which I reply that I can't I have prior commitments that I cannot reschedule. So Boss says to me “well a few months ago you had a call out and left your shift (my wife had a PTSD breakdown and I had to go home to take care of her) we were going to write you up for it but…

So I worked for this company as a receptionist. Management sucked and everybody started quitting but me being naive and just needing the money for rent I stayed. Started picking up double shifts and doing other jobs to pick up the slack. After about 3 months of this non stop I get a call from Boss at the end of my shift ( I open the store) saying “we need you to stay for a double and pick up the night shift. The other receptionist can't make it in” To which I reply that I can't I have prior commitments that I cannot reschedule. So Boss says to me “well a few months ago you had a call out and left your shift (my wife had a PTSD breakdown and I had to go home to take care of her) we were going to write you up for it but decided not to because of all the extra help you've been giving us. But if you can't stay for tonight's shift then we will have to bring that write up back and there will be repercussions.

Long story short I immediately started looking for other employment and quit no 2 week notice nothing.

But how crazy is that I bend over backwards for these people and because I can't put my own personal life on hold to give them 100% of my time they try to blackmail me into doing it…

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