
Boss wants documentation of son having covid and school policy

My boss disgusts me. My entire family, except for myself, was hit with covid. My son's school told us that he cannot attend until he has fully recovered. He is in the first grade and tested positive on Monday. Today marks the 4th day that he and I have been home. I called my boss to inform her that despite my son now testing negative for Covid, the general policy for the school is to keep them out at least 5 days. So I told my boss I'll need tomorrow, Friday, off but will be in on Monday. I then get a reply from her saying that I'm taking too much time off and that I need to supply her with documentation that he cannot go to school. I then call the school and all they can send me is the policy involving covid and how long they need to…

My boss disgusts me. My entire family, except for myself, was hit with covid. My son's school told us that he cannot attend until he has fully recovered. He is in the first grade and tested positive on Monday.

Today marks the 4th day that he and I have been home. I called my boss to inform her that despite my son now testing negative for Covid, the general policy for the school is to keep them out at least 5 days. So I told my boss I'll need tomorrow, Friday, off but will be in on Monday.

I then get a reply from her saying that I'm taking too much time off and that I need to supply her with documentation that he cannot go to school. I then call the school and all they can send me is the policy involving covid and how long they need to be out for. I then forward that email off to my boss. She responds by saying that the email needs to contain his name, his grade level, the school, the covid policy, the days of which he's been out for and when the earliest he can go back.

I then call the school back and request the information. They tell me that that is something they don't supply as they have never had a parent request such info for their work and that all they can provide is the policy, which should be sufficient.

My boss, however, decides that is not good enough and demands the documentation. I then contact our HR office and plead my case. Thankfully my HR person is understanding. She requested the covid results and school policy and approved the time off without the extra steps my boss was demanding.

What pisses me off is that I have only taken 2 fucking days off this entire year, and I get this bullshit in return! I have nearly 150 hours of sick leave and they make it so unreasonably hard to take any time off.

I don't know man. I'm so frustrated with how employers treat employees. Reform needs to happen and protections put into place.

Anyways, thought I'd just share this.

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