
Boss wants me to be a spy on other employees?

Hi all. I need some advice on how to talk to my boss about how I dont feel comfortable doing what she's asking. I work in a nail salon as a receptionist, and one of the techs recently bought out the original owner and is making some changes around the shop. There are three main techs, who im not super close with but I really like. They're cool people. For whatever reason though, the new owner keeps telling them they're replaceable, micromanaging them and basically having a “my way or the highway” type approach despite the techs being there for a long time and wanting to continue to work st this salon. What I do: Answer phones, clean towels, sweep, check out clients. My boss, since signing on, has been telling me “you're my eyes and ears when im not here, never forget that.” Multiple times, in that and multiple…

Hi all. I need some advice on how to talk to my boss about how I dont feel comfortable doing what she's asking. I work in a nail salon as a receptionist, and one of the techs recently bought out the original owner and is making some changes around the shop. There are three main techs, who im not super close with but I really like. They're cool people. For whatever reason though, the new owner keeps telling them they're replaceable, micromanaging them and basically having a “my way or the highway” type approach despite the techs being there for a long time and wanting to continue to work st this salon.

What I do:
Answer phones, clean towels, sweep, check out clients.

My boss, since signing on, has been telling me “you're my eyes and ears when im not here, never forget that.” Multiple times, in that and multiple other ways. I dont know how else to take that other than she wants me to snitch on them if they do something she doesn't like. But she won't have a 1 on 1 with me to talk about what she specifically expects of me, despite me asking several times to set up a meeting. She just straight up ignores my texts when I ask for a date.

Today, she told me to tell her if when I get in one of the techs hasn't shown up on time. They don't clock in, so apparently it's my job to report to my boss if someone is late. This puts me in such an awkward position, because I like these techs and don't want to be made to be a hall monitor on them, id rather be friendly and have them trust me to a degree that the atmosphere stays pleasant between us. Look, I only make 12.50 an hour. I think thats fine pay for answering phones and sweeping floors or whatever. But it is NOT enough to be a hidden camera, a job I have no fucking interest in having. I have already told them that boss asked me to be her eyes and ears (again, how else am I supposed to take it other than to be her informant?), and im going to tell them that she asked me to report to her about their tardiness.

FYI: We open at 8 and have next to no walk ins at any time of day. So if they don't show up on time, its because they don't have an appointment right at 8, and they come in a half hour or so before their first one. Otherwise they just sit around the salon doing nothing for however long.

Basically, what I need is advice on how to tell my boss I feel uncomfortable being an informant and that I'd prefer she uses some kind of clock in- clock out system instead of making me essentially rat them out. Maybe they should be in trouble for showing up late! But I dont want any part of that decision making or execution process. I want to answer the God damn phones and sweep the god damn floors and that's fucking it. I dont want to be her eyes and ears. I also need advice on how to be more firm in asking for a 1 on 1 so I can get specifics on what she wants from me in my position. She hasn't had a 1 on 1 with any employees yet, despite telling EVERYONE she will “look at the calendar” and “let us know”. I hate being put in this spot.

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