
Boss Wants Me to Find a Way in After My Car Broke Down

This is the second time my car has broken down and I’ve had to call in. This time I have to get it towed, but have to wait to get a ride to tow it. My boss is still asking me to find a way in somehow. I would take an Uber, but with where I work, in order to show customers what they’re buying, I need a vehicle to show them to it. I asked if it’d be possible to switch locations and work where I wouldn’t need a car, but that wasn’t possible. I don’t know what else I can do. I have done a lot for this job and done things outside of the job requirements all so I could “be on the boss’s” good side, but it’s all truly for nothing? It’s been an hour since he texted me asking me to find a way in…

This is the second time my car has broken down and I’ve had to call in. This time I have to get it towed, but have to wait to get a ride to tow it. My boss is still asking me to find a way in somehow.

I would take an Uber, but with where I work, in order to show customers what they’re buying, I need a vehicle to show them to it. I asked if it’d be possible to switch locations and work where I wouldn’t need a car, but that wasn’t possible.

I don’t know what else I can do. I have done a lot for this job and done things outside of the job requirements all so I could “be on the boss’s” good side, but it’s all truly for nothing?

It’s been an hour since he texted me asking me to find a way in to cover half my shift, but I still haven’t responded because I don’t know what to say. Every time I start the text, it just becomes a wall of word vomit trying to explain that I’m trying to find a solution as soon as I can.

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