
Boss wants me to write my own JD for new role

Ok, so what do my friends here at antiwork think? TL;DR: wanted a title change to a senior role, boss agreed and wanted to discuss with me, then sat on it for a month and a half before coming back to me saying he wants me to craft a new JD for the role and submit to him in four days so he can make the announcement by Oct 1. /TL;DR Been in my current role for 6 years. I’m a sysadmin, and my boss is the CIO and my direct manager. There’s five of us on the team, all the same level with no internal team hierarchy. I’ve noticed that I take on a lot more responsibility in hunting down new tools, taking point on calls and requests we receive, and being available to the other teammates if they have questions. I’ve asked for a leadership role internal to…

Ok, so what do my friends here at antiwork think?

TL;DR: wanted a title change to a senior role, boss agreed and wanted to discuss with me, then sat on it for a month and a half before coming back to me saying he wants me to craft a new JD for the role and submit to him in four days so he can make the announcement by Oct 1. /TL;DR

Been in my current role for 6 years. I’m a sysadmin, and my boss is the CIO and my direct manager. There’s five of us on the team, all the same level with no internal team hierarchy. I’ve noticed that I take on a lot more responsibility in hunting down new tools, taking point on calls and requests we receive, and being available to the other teammates if they have questions.

I’ve asked for a leadership role internal to the team, and it’s been not only denied but told that it will never happen unless my boss retires.

So I went to my boss and said that I thought a title change to a senior role would be appropriate, he excitedly agreed and said he would like to think about it and discuss with me further after talking to HR.

That was a month and a half ago. I’ve asked him a couple times about it in the interim with no real response on it, until this last Thursday when he sent over a generic job description for my current role and said “HR approves but you need to look at this existing JD for the role and make a new one that fits what you feel you do for the new title. Need this by end of month”.

My one work colleague that I moan with about shitty corporate practices with said that her boss did the same thing to her, but she saw it as a good thing because she was able to set her own goals and expectations for her new role, where I see it as just laziness and apathy on management’s part, where they can’t even be bothered to look into the contributions of their team members or make a path for them to succeed. I can’t shake the feeling of “not my fucking job” when I was expecting a discussion about the new role, and instead was told to “come up with something appropriate”.

Overall it points to bad management. I’m already looking for a new place and have some very positive irons in the fire for an already senior position, I know I could just copy and paste a relevant JD from one of those and submit to my boss, but I’ve now got the “fuck it” attitude about it.

Am I right that it’s bad management to make employees come up with their own JD’s? Or am I wrong and should take this as an opportunity to mould my own role in this case and if it ever comes up again?

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