
Boss wants to move my work space

I've been at my current job for 3 months. It's an academic field with a lot of prestige. While interviewing me I was shown the workspace I'd be using. It was a very nice cubicle with a lot of desk and storage space with lots of big windows and natural light. Now he wants to move me after three months in. To where? A maintenance hallway. Concrete, no windows, dim fluorescent lights, racks of cleaning chemicals and constant humming of electrical panels. Also there are sticky bug traps full of dead roaches. My boss asked me what I thought of the move and I expressed how much I enjoyed my cubicle and did not view the move as beneficial. He wants to move two other employees back there with me. I expressed my concerns but was told ultimately it was his choice. The move hasn't happened yet but I feel…

I've been at my current job for 3 months. It's an academic field with a lot of prestige. While interviewing me I was shown the workspace I'd be using. It was a very nice cubicle with a lot of desk and storage space with lots of big windows and natural light. Now he wants to move me after three months in. To where? A maintenance hallway. Concrete, no windows, dim fluorescent lights, racks of cleaning chemicals and constant humming of electrical panels. Also there are sticky bug traps full of dead roaches.

My boss asked me what I thought of the move and I expressed how much I enjoyed my cubicle and did not view the move as beneficial. He wants to move two other employees back there with me. I expressed my concerns but was told ultimately it was his choice.

The move hasn't happened yet but I feel so defeated. It was like a bait and switch. I never would have accepted the position if the workspace was in a maintenance hallway. My job is dealing with the public and providing the “face” of the public relations aspect of the job. It feels like any dignity I had has been stripped.

I haven't received any complaints or disciplinary actions. I've gone above and beyond to prove my dedication. I feel like if this move occurs I'll want to quit.

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