
Boss was complaining about me TO A PATIENT

Long story short if you recognize me you know me from my boss complaining about me not working during my lunch break, yesterday I had to move 5 patients and put them on todays schedule (which was already fully booked) because he is horrible at time management. My lunch is usually from 12-12;30 and I’m on a medication that makes my glucose levels sensitive so if I’m hungry and my glucose drops it feels like it drops at once. So there was supposed to be 2 patients for 11:30 and both patients decided to arrive late at 12. I pushed off my lunch to be able to attend them. Once they were both being seen I decided to stop to eat my lunch because I was already shaking ( I swear my body has a biological timer for lunch time) then as I’m stuffing my face as fast as I…

Long story short if you recognize me you know me from my boss complaining about me not working during my lunch break, yesterday I had to move 5 patients and put them on todays schedule (which was already fully booked) because he is horrible at time management. My lunch is usually from 12-12;30 and I’m on a medication that makes my glucose levels sensitive so if I’m hungry and my glucose drops it feels like it drops at once. So there was supposed to be 2 patients for 11:30 and both patients decided to arrive late at 12. I pushed off my lunch to be able to attend them. Once they were both being seen I decided to stop to eat my lunch because I was already shaking ( I swear my body has a biological timer for lunch time) then as I’m stuffing my face as fast as I can he comes out with one of the patients and says loudly (mind you this is at 12:15) “my assistant disappeared” then the patient said “no worries she’s probably at lunch I can call later and get the rest of the info” (which would be an appointment that I couldn’t book right now anyway because the people I’d book it with are at lunch until 1) then he said “no you can sit and wait until she comes back, she cares way too much about her lunches I don’t understand it” laughing at me, then the patient said basically defending me not knowing I was hearing all this “I mean I only get 30 minutes of lunch at my job too so I completely get it” and he huffed and said “well I don’t something are more important”

Mind you this man doesn’t eat lunches, doesn’t care about them, and always make a huge fuss when I have my lunch.
(Important to note that I couldn’t wait longer because I knew my glucose level was dropping and I already waited longer than I was supposed to)

Then he came back after I stuffed my face in 20 minutes and said “where were you I needed you here” I replied “I was eating I’m on a medication that I can’t wait too long to eat” and he said “well you can eat and work at the same time” like….wtf and this is the second time he’s said this.

I’ve been applying for other jobs like crazy btw before anyone tells me to lol

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