
Boss was demeaning to me and now begging me to come back

I worked for a familys company for about 1.5 years. During that time I never took a day off, never called in sick, covered every shift when others called in, drove 4 hours a day for weeks on end to fill a position in a neighboring town, and always said yes whenever they needed me. Some days I literally lost money travelling 2 hours for a 15 minute job. Towards the end of that time the Owner of the company said a few things that bothered me They asked me to stop by a hardware store to pick something up, but changed their mind 3-4 times, so I ended up just grabbing it anyways using my own money, when I delivered it to them they said “It's like you don't even listen to me”, “you haven't been listening to anything I tell you” so I replied “well I picked it…

I worked for a familys company for about 1.5 years. During that time I never took a day off, never called in sick, covered every shift when others called in, drove 4 hours a day for weeks on end to fill a position in a neighboring town, and always said yes whenever they needed me. Some days I literally lost money travelling 2 hours for a 15 minute job.

Towards the end of that time the Owner of the company said a few things that bothered me

They asked me to stop by a hardware store to pick something up, but changed their mind 3-4 times, so I ended up just grabbing it anyways using my own money, when I delivered it to them they said

“It's like you don't even listen to me”, “you haven't been listening to anything I tell you” so I replied “well I picked it up” (as in big deal), then they SHOUTED “FUCK YOU” before heading to another room and slamming the door 4 times repeatedly.

After that on another occasion they said “if you weren't my family I would have fired you twice already”

Then finally, when I told them I was just working with them to help out my family they said “you have never helped me out”

So that was it, I gave my two weeks notice and left. I found another job that payed almost 25% more and worked there for 4 months, now I'm kicking back on a solid savings.

In the last two weeks they have asked me to come back to work for them 4 times, I keep saying “eh maybe in a couple weeks”, but then I started to feel pressured by them, when they started telling me that it was an emergency and they really needed my help.

So I told them I just don't feel like working for them anymore. They tried to guilt trip me and say they gave me a ride a couple weeks ago, but I said nah I'm just gonna find somewhere else to work.

What are you going to do, fire me? I never help out anyways, so fuck me right?

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